More and more companies are waking up to the benefits of adding a wellness program for their employees one that will improve employee morale, increase productivity, and improve employees’ well-being. A popular program is stress management, more employees are reporting increase stress due to work. Through a comprehensive program, of incorporating healing exercises and stress management practices companies find that their employee is more engaged with work activities, increase in cultivation in work relationships, and fewer absentee days.
Three Stress Reducing Activities:
1. First we suggest adding in a yoga practice, which is well known for being a relaxing exercise. You can choose a yoga style like hatha yoga, this practice is known to bring balance through a series of movements that promote inner peace and tranquility. Practitioners of this practice state that the repeated daily series of hatha yoga promotes longevity and facilitates homeostasis of mind, body, and spirit. Hatha yoga has been recognized as an alternative modality for stress management.
2. The next suggestion would be adding some T’ai Chi class, which is known as a soft martial art or moving meditation. This is a low-impact exercise that offers a harmony of mind and body. Chinese medicine is different from Western medicine, in that Chinese medicine believes that if a person is sick, it’s not because of disease or viruses but rather a blockage in their Chi. T’ai Chi provides tranquility and teaches participants to remain calm and centered during stressful situations.
3. The last suggestion is to create a space for quiet meditation, which is an inward practice for deep relaxation and focusing the mind. It has been used in many cultures over the years and entails sitting quietly, chanting, or reciting a mantra. (3) Meditation has long been linked to reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression.
A wellness program adds a lot of benefit to the company and its employees. A stress management wellness program teaches employees how to cope with the everyday stressor, boost cognitive function, and increased awareness. With program activities like hatha yoga, Tai chi, and meditation, employees will learn how to remain calm and center during stressful situation. Another benefit to establishing a workplace wellness program is that companies get a cheaper insurance premium. There is no downside to a wellness program, companies receive less stress workforce and employees learn how to create a better quality of life for themselves.