About Us

Our Story: Nutrition, Diet, and Wellness

Figs and Radishes was foundered by Brittny Branch who started her journey off in life as a Chef. After spending 13 yrs. in the kitchen Brittny started a journey of learning about Diets, Nutrition, and Wellness. In 2019 she attend the Institute Integrative for Nutrition to become a Health Coach. Now Brittny is on a personal mission to share what she has learned to help individual turn their diet around, reach their nutrition goal and lifestyle needs.

Starting now Figs and Radishes is taking Health and Wellness to work, why because it’s time to start change the health culture of the workplace.

Hey we get it, we all live busy lives right? And you don’t always have time to make it to the gym or eat a nutritious meal.

But here are the facts: 40% of the American population is obesity, 34.1% are diagnosed with diabetes, 45% suffer with hypertension and 26% suffer from a diagnosable mental illness disorder. It’s time to change those numbers around, so we are taking wellness to the place where people spend most of their time, work.

Our approach is to educate companies and employees about health and wellness, this empowers you to own your health and start making sustainable changes for yourself and your family. Analyze for employee engagement and employee feedback. Encourage and Motivate. Last we Celebrate achievement


To lead the Corporate Wellness Industry by promoting workplace wellness, advocate positive changes, and inspire employees to reach their health goals. Create healthy habits, increase productivity, boost energy, increase brain function, and overall increase in morale.


To change the Health Culture in the workplace and leave every employee empowered to own their health.


A Company Wellness Program is a great way to bring teams together

For Every $1 spent Companies sees a Return of $4

Early detection for Health Risk

A Wellness Program says that You Care