CAM: Reiki

Lately, I’ve been looking into TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), and all of the benefits it holds. In my research, I came across Reiki energy which is a form of therapy that uses hands-on no-touch, and visualization techniques with the goal of improving the flow of life energy in its clients. Reiki practitioners are trained to detect energy flow problems, this can be a physical, emotional, or spiritual level. Reiki is also used as traditional massages are to reduce stress and alleviate pain. Reiki was first developed in the 1800s by Dr. M Usui, who was intrigued by Jesus’s power to heal using His hands. For the next few years Usui search for ancient teaching about hand healing and along the way He had a spiritual awakening that allowed Him to heal his own hands through tapping into the universe’s life force. Reiki is built on the foundation that the body has an energy field that is vital to it functioning properly, this energy travels along certain pathways that can become blocked or weakened. There are eight movements to be used during a Reiki session starting from the top of the body working down. Practitioners believe that through the placement of hands they can restore the body’s energies and reopen pathways. Conditions that can benefit from Reiki are asthma, arthritis, and acute to chronic pain. Other benefits are reduced stress, increased mood, increased energy, and pain relief. This practice can be used by doctors, nurses, psychologists, and other healthcare providers. 

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