Are you hip to pink Himalayan salt? Pink Himalayan salt is made from rock crystals of salt that have been mined from areas close to Punjab region of Pakistan. Himalayan salt gets its powder pink color from the 84 minerals inside and trace elements, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and iron. Pink salt is believed to have been with us since the beginning of time, Himalayan crystal salt comes from salt mines 5,000 feet deep below the Himalayan Mountain Range. So, why is pink salt better for us then just regular table salt, will first Himalayan salt is one of the most purist salt you can find, very different from table salt which has been interfered with. Table salt is very heavily processed, eliminating most of its natural minerals, table salts has been bleached down and only leaving behind harmful toxins to the body, which is why most of us health geeks prefer using this wonderful pink Himalayan salt. Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt: • Balance Electrolyte • Increases Hydration • Balance pH • Prevent muscle cramping • Aid in boosting Metabolism • Strengthen Bones • Lower Blood Pressure • Aid in helping intestines absorb nutrients • Improve circulation • Aid in Detoxifying the Body • Pink Himalayan Salt Lamp purifies the air • Also can be used in making bath salts • Pink Himalayan Salt also comes in a block which you could cook on or serve on Just something else I would like to share with you is Himalayan pink salt can also be used for making something call Sole Water. This wonderful drink is filled with electrolytes created by mixing pink salt and water together making it easy for the body to absorb minerals and aiding the kidneys in eliminating toxins from the body and the colon in getting rid of waste.